AJAX request not Updating in the UI but updates on the console

791 viewsIssues

the voting AJAX request is not updating on the ui while it is updating on the browser network and the console. Pls how can i fix it

function upVote( id) {
  type: "POST",
//   url: "/wp-content/plugins/anspress-question-answer/templates/votesystem/scripts.php",
url: "/scripts.php",
  data: {
                // action: 'my_custom_action',
                up: id,
                user: <?php echo $userid; ?>,
                question_id:<?php echo $question_id;?>
  beforeSend: function(){
    $('#links-'+id+' .btn-vote').html("<img src='loaderIcon.gif' height='16px'>");
  success: function(data){ 
    // $('#data').html(data);
    // alert(data.message);
    // Reload the page after the OK alert
      // location.reload();
      // return false; //This is commented for reload (PPE)
  error: function(error) {
                // Handle errors
                // showSnackbar(error.message);

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