Add image to editor upload or add image from link

9.53K viewsCoreupload

I have to start out by saying this plugin has so much potential and is absolutely FANTASTIC!!!!

I have used bbPress for years and dislike it because it’s nothing more than a “left behind” core WordPress plugin. So much potential, but damn it sucks. Seriously.

While looking for a replacement today, I came across both AnsPress and DW Question & Answer. I started with AnsPress and quickly noticed that everything was almost perfect out of the box. AnsPress, in my opinion, is far and away better than both bbPress and DW Question & Answer – by a long shot!!!!

Great job with what you’ve done and thank you!

1. The “Add image to editor upload or add image from linkseems to be broken. The “add image from link” works just fine, but the “upload” button is definitely broken.

Any word on this? I’m currently using Version

2. The speed of the “bottom-left notifications” is a bit slow. I personally don’t think there needs to be a 2-3 second delay like we currently see. I think the notifications should be immediate and hope this can be fixed.

Thank you for your time and thank you for creating a bbPress killer.



Everything described in error message 🙂

this error means there are duplicate function hence there are duplicate files. you cannot keep both folder:

anspress-master and anspress-question-answer, delete anspress-question-answer folder and then activate the anspress.


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