How / Where to update the Register / Login links?

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For logged out / unregistered users, they see the two text links below.
I have a custom registration page (URL) how can I update the links shown below?

The above registration link currently points to:
That is not my registration page URL. I Need to update the link.
With thanks

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Looks like I updated the code and works now. Here it is in working format.

Will I have to keep the custom template for when the plugin updates and reload the custom template?

I would post the code but it appears comments cannot have code. For woocommerce, I used this website as a resource. I replaced the everything inside of the a herf tags with what woocommerce has.


I am using Woocommerce and have the same issue. would be nice to have an addon that allows us to redirect the user registration to the my-account page.

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AnsPress does not force custom login url. Its using default wp function to get login and sign up url. Even though you can override it from your template:

okay but do where do we have to add our own URL
can you tell with an example


You can override it from you template. Template file is login-register.php

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i am using ultimate member plugin, which working fine with anspress

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