What are the optimal widget settings for Home page to look like AskBug Demo site
I am using “Demo widget settings” provided with the theme.
If I use settings :-
Front page displays
Front page displays Your latest posts
Everything appears same as your demo site.
But pagination link is broken.
On the other hand if I create a separate page and put the shortcode [anspress] -> Template Type : Default template and Front page displays : Static page -> Front page, then –
Pagination works, But Title appears, stats shifts to bottom (basically appears like the default anspress page), no top users are shown.
Similarly I tried with Template Type as Anspress page and/or Front page as default post page, but my bad luck I couldn’t get exact match.
Can you please suggest me where to place these widgets to match the demo site + breadcrumbs (if possible, please post a screenshot of widget settings).
Edit – 3 : Deactivated the plugin, fresh installed anspress (again it says 2.3.8, but no update alert.
Everything works except for pagination.

Failed, check edit
Its because when you update from github updater then it create AnsPress plugin folder as “anspress” instead of “anspress-question-answer”.

Should I try with deactivating “GitHub Updater” or just by renaming to “anspress-question-answer”

Back to square one 🙁 Now I have everything updated and Github updater disabled along with broken pagination on home page

I give up with the final finding that pagination link of your demo site and my site displays same, i.e. “/?paged=2”, but your site parses it as “/page/2/” while mine one display page not found error because my link not parsed as yours and still remains the same “?paged=2”. But even if I manually try to open “http://medicoshive.com/page/2/”, it still says page not found. I can’t go more deep into this. Kindly look into my site yourself when you are free. access details should be in your facebook messages (8/6, 10:15pm)

Hi, could you find any solution?
(… and just came back from class, and read your fb msg,do you still need access details?)
Do not create new page for home page as there already home.php exist in theme. You just need to update AnsPress to github version to fix home page pagination.

check the edited screenshot in question
Yeh do it.