User pages bug
Hi, user pages on my site have a bug, I get the unresponsive script message, and things don`t work properly, e.g. profile is being endlessly repeated. I tried to find similar problem among questions, but I couldn`t. Could you please advise me what to do? Thanks!
Please see the link for repeating profile I use AskBug theme.

I did, all the plugins are disabled except Anspress, and the problem is still here
Its look like you are using [anspress] shortcode twice?

Yes, I used it so anspress questions would show up as well at my home page. Now I tried to remove it, however the bug on user page is still there, and questions from home page disappear

I tried every possible combination with putting static/blog page as home page, anspress code is put on the questions page which is not set up as homepage, i turned again parent theme… but nothing seem to solve user pages problem… this is the screenshot of how the about section loads, maybe “#” sign should not be there? Thanks for helping

I think the problem was in widget clash, when I removed widgets from AP user area it was fine.
Did you tried disabling all other plugin first.