[update] AnsPress 2.3 roadmap – User profile and Realtime
Completed Tasks
[x] Show tags in user subscription page (15-06-21 17:51) [x] Improve categories page (15-06-22 10:46) [x] Tags page (15-06-21 14:08) [x] If answer is private do not notify others (15-06-21 09:43) [x] Close question after selecting if option enabled. (15-06-20 20:54) [x] Notification as dropdown (15-06-20 20:45) [x] Redirect user to login page if non loggedin user try to visit profile (15-06-20 17:39) [x] Error message on description field is overlapped by upload field (15-06-20 16:30) http://i.imgur.com/7EY8lOZ.jpg [x] How to ask tab (15-06-20 16:11) [x] Add category and tags filter in question list (15-06-20 14:41) [x] Improve category widget (15-06-19 22:16) [x] Cutoff text error (15-06-19 22:11) http://anspress.io/questions/question/cutoff-text-error/ [x] Image upload size (15-06-19 22:11) [x] add option to disable hover card (15-06-19 17:02) [x] tags and category page show 404 if no posts (15-06-19 16:17) [x] Add users widget (15-06-19 16:07) [x] Add improved icons: (15-06-19 12:47) [x] Question (15-06-19 12:47) [x] Answer (15-06-19 12:47) [x] upload (15-06-19 12:47) [x] Paragraph in comments (15-06-19 10:59) [x] Add [solved] in question title (15-06-19 09:34) [x] User page show anonymous when permalink not enabled (15-06-19 09:18) [x] Allow filtering page slug (15-06-19 09:00) [x] Add basic capabilities to every role @high (15-06-18 20:44) [x] Add notification (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Notification helper function (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Add notification to menu (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Add notification dropdown (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Fixed breadcrumbs for user pages (15-06-15 11:41) [x] The breadcrumb on the base page is duplicating (15-06-15 11:41) [x] if recaptcha is enabled and keys missing then show warning (15-06-15 11:41) [x] flush rewrite rule on activation (15-06-15 11:41) [x] User dropdown menu item (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Dont show question stats widget if not question page (15-06-15 11:41) [x] default cover (15-06-15 11:41) [x] User hover card (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Added cover upload (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Add subscribe page for user (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Sort Unanswered/Unsolved by date (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Add reputation page for user (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Fix question sorting (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Members search page (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Add users search form (15-06-15 11:41) [x] question sorting to dropdown (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Improve user fields (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Followers widget (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Add followers and following page (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Add followers system (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Add more sorting option for users directory (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Users page tab UI improvement (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Avatar upload ajax error (15-06-15 11:41) [x] User page title (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Title conflict when wpseo plugin installed (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Remove base from permalink when ap_page is base (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Direct user link (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Auto flush rewrite rule when base page update (15-06-15 11:41) [x] include current users post in list (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Show how to answer tab only if page selected (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Safe CSS attributes (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Ajax login on the same page without being redirected to another page for login & register. (15-06-15 11:41) [x] conical and short link in head (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Add Crayon Syntax Highlighter button (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Add tinymce Autogrow (15-06-15 11:41) [x] View counts updated for every page view (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Strip shortcode from Answer and question (15-06-15 11:41) [x] While try to edit answer or question format get cleared (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Switch editors not working (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Image upload not working (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Add featured question (sticky post) (15-06-15 11:41) [x] Improve subscribers system (15-06-15 11:41)
Remaining tasks:
[ ] Responsive styles [ ] Test with other theme [ ] Test without extensions [ ] Check in webkit browsers [ ] Layer slider option not saving when AnsPress installed [ ] Check in webkit browsers

Rahul Aryan commented
I think its look good there 🙂 BTW: you can easily customize it 🙂
Davi_Menezes commented
It would be extremely interesting if you could choose to create a kind forum for budypress group, so budypress group would be linked to Anspress. And then unnecessary bbPress
Rahul Aryan commented
Yes, will think about it 🙂
Michael Glass commented
With the social share buttons, can you please make this optional as I am using a different solution and don’t want it to conflict. Thanks
Hi, Rahul all features would be useful.
Is there a timeline for this release ? When is it expected ?
Rahul Aryan commented
Expected 15th of June
Wouldnt it be better, to place the “star” behind the title of the question, instead of completely left?