Translation missing


There are various missing words or phrases from the translation:


  • Ask page: Select a topic that best fits your question (when you hover on the info button near Category)
  • Write something about yourself on user description profile
  • About section on the reputation widget, several things are not translated: question, answer

There is also an error on seen last time. It always says 46 years ago.


Yes its look like translation are missing in ap.pot. I will update it.

46 years ago issue has been fixed many days ago make sure you have latest version.

– on category page the title Question is not translated.
In this link you can see that in a blue bg there is 59 questions. that is not translated in the pot file i think.

there is also a button to check to follow the category, but the translation of follow question has not much sense. you can check it also on your site. it should be: follow this category i think.

than i can translate it 🙂 without problems. should i do it or you will integrate it in a unique pot file in the next release?

Feel free to send pull request in github rather then email. Thanks