Tranlations of information into the field
Hi, I translate the most part of the website to spanish but I can´t find the files to modify the information into the fields like this picture that I took for the register form.
Please, Could you help me about this issue?
Thanks in advance
Hi Rahul, Here I go again 😉
When I tried to translate the words that I posted, these phrase are not in the theme-my-login.pot or respective .mo or .po. The same issue is when I treat to translate some phrases on anspress plugin, as I show you in this image. In fact, some of them already are translated but don´t appear in the website in spanish.
As well, related with this images, you know where and how can I change the html mode for answering to editable standard mode, please?
Thanks in advance¡¡

I´m using poeditor, because the polylang doesn´t work well in my case. When I exchanged a new .po file from .pot file with several words that should be translated, but I didn´t see any change in the website.
You need to update pot file. Are you using poeditor or wp plugin to edit translations?