Suggestion: login/Logout in My Profile widget

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Buddypress login widget shows gravatar which doesn’t match anspress uploaded avatar.


Dear Rahul and Stacy,

could you more specify the steps / the stuff – plugins – widgets I need for buddypress to work well with AnsPress?

I’m a bit confused.

Thank you very much 🙂

Just add buddypress. Nothing else needed. Anspress will give you the option of the profile going to anspress profile or bp profile. Eche new question will show up in the bp activity feed and on the asker’s bp profile on your main blog.


AnsPress avatar does not work if buddypress is installed. AnsPress looks for Buddypress avatar by default.

The anspress avatar works fine with buddypress, it uses the social login avatar, blog avatar , or answpress avatar, just not in the buddypress login widget which pulls gravatar.