some thing went terribly worng in 1.4 update

15.34K viewsCore

the sidebar is not in its place
i activated 1.3.1 again till this proplem fixed i think there is open dev or somthing


I am experiencing the same problem after upgraded to the latest version. All my side widgets appears on the bottom instead of right-hand or left-hand side of page. It has to be bug on the newly upgraded version. 🙁

github version will fix this i just confirmed that now
to change the banner replace the image in the plugin files ot least that what i do
i coming versions will have an image upload


Pleaze download the latest version from Github

github version fixed the proplem 😀 thanks man , can i ask what did you do exactly

There was a missing

Lol like i said in the question , thank you man


Switch to 1.3.1 and tomorrow I will check to see how it looks after I will compare to 1.4.

Ok I will check tomorrow

no proplem i will keep using 1.3.1 until figure out this issue thanks man


Pleaze put your widget in those sidebar and see if it works now

Anspress side bar works fine , the proplem in theme sidebar , anspress done somtging wrong in those 2 pages , idont know what is it

Here you are using the theme sidebar. Use the anspress sidebar.

Also fot the anspress base page use full-width theme template page

alex i know how to use the asnpress sidebar , my proplem is i dont want to use it , first its not responsive, secound it will affect my theme style at all , my question is why it was working great in 1.3.1 and now its not working. thank you


I check your site and I think that you are using the WordPress Theme sidebar and not the AnsPress Sidebar

Yes iam using the theme side bar , this proplem in this version only the prevoius versions works fine , and this proplem in questions list and ask question pages only .


itried the last anspress from github no luck


Please check if latest commit solved your issue, download it from github


this proplem in main and ask question only
if you opend any question its ok no proplem at all


i deleted the plugin then reinstalled again
same thing idont know where is the proplem really :s

weird, will check it here and push fix today.


what overhidden files ?
it was working perfectly in every previous vergion
something must coused the proplem 😀

are you overriding anspress files from your theme ?