Shortcode for user profile
Hello. I tried using the shortcode [anspress page = user] but the shortcode only displays the anonymous profile. Is there a way for the content to be that of the user’s profile? If yes, how? I do not know how to encode and not synonymous improve plugin. In any case the plugin is super
Any update on the [anspress page=”user”] showing Anonymous? It is still doing this in latest version 4.1.15
[anspress page=”user”] does not work with the older or the new version of anspress, I only see the anonymous profile. Any fix available yet?
It has been over a year since this question, and the shortcode to display the user page still does not work. Is there a fix for this yet, or for any shortcode to work yet? The sortby=”unanswered” shortcodes do not work either.
[anspress page="user"] only displays a blank “anonymous” user page
I am also getting an anonymous box for the shortcode [anspress page=”user”]
There is no documentation on shortcodes here anymore other than the page at but that doesn’t really help. Does anyone have a working example of how to create this correct user shortcode page?
[anspress page=user] does not work either, just get the anonymous profile appearing.
Hello John,
Simply add this to page template where this shortcode is being used
Add it before “get_header()”:
$curr_user = wp_get_current_user();
set_query_var( ‘ap_page’, ‘user’);
set_query_var( ‘author_name’, $curr_user->user_login);