SEO Titles are all the same.

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I am experiecing another issue with the SEO


tags. No matter what page I am browsing, the title attribute is the same in every page. I am using Yoast SEO Plugin.
And another thing. Is there a way to add a breadcrumb navigation to it.

Thanks. BTW website is


Did not understood your issue


Maybe there is a communication gap here between Rahul and everyone asking for a solution. So anspress without yoast works find and it will update the page title / meta title as long as you make sure it says ANSPRESS_TITLE for the page title in the default page you created in wordpress for use as a base page template for anspress. This is under All Pages > Edit Page.

Titles work fine until you have Yoast Seo installed. The only workaround to this would be to have 2 wordpress installs on your server: one for the blog with yoast, and another for anspress.

This issue has been already fixed. Check commits on github. And will be available in upcoming version if you don’t want to use development version.

@Rahul ~ this is beginning to get me worried. Apparently you have been saying this is fixed for 5 months now, but its not fixed yet, as I have just reported here ~


I also had yoast installed and disabled it but it didn’t make a difference. Is there a function that I can call from my theme’s header to insert Anspress’ page title for the question and category pages?

Please refer to documents, this question has been answered many time. BTW from upcoming version AnsPress will not relay on ANSPRESS_TITLE string.


@Alex Sorry to reply here and not after your comment but I needed the possibility to show a picture. Shady’s answer is the right one.

AnsPress automatically adds the “question title” in the html title… if you have anspress shortcode [ anspress ] written in your main AnsPress Page Title (and of course body).

Yes, I tried to paste this shortcode in the Page’s name. It works, but some bugs appeared.
When I try to get page’s name in php (for breadcrumbs) it gives me ‘[anspress]‘.

how you are getting the title ? you should get the title using the_title().
BTW, I am updating all AnsPress theme structure again.


@Rahul Aryan dont bother your self its his fault , its not a bug 😀
@Simion Radu Lucian you renamed the anspress page title to Ask and Answer
go to your pages
edit page
short code in the title
every thing will word perfectly 😀

Hope this will solve the issue 😉

Thanks Shady M Rasmy for the hint ! It took me a while to understand that main Question Page had to keep the shortcode as title and that this page’s title should ONLY be defined in AnsPress Options. I think a warning about that could be added in the initial settings process. 😀

Did that also. Uninstalled the plugin, deleted all options from DB, started a clean install, back to the same problem. I don’t have any other ideas anymore. Anyway what’s the deal with basepage and [anspress] shortcode? Can you explain a little better, as I am kind of confused.


Finally solved it, thanks to Shady suggestions. 🙂 If anyone encounter this in the future (using Yoast SEO Plugin, uncheck the force rewrite rule) and it will work like a charm.

Great plugin BTW :). Keep up the good work, dear developer(s) 🙂


I understand. I will try with another SEO Plugin. What about my other problem here Any ideas?


will check, do not worry. already too many bugs and features in list


Disabled again YOAST Seo Plugin. It seems that this was causing the incorrect display of titles. Do you think there will be a fix available soon?

there is not bugs in our side, just checked our code. It is caused by 3rd party title filter.


I disabled also Yoast SEO Plugin, and all others one by one, and still nothing. Very very odd 🙂

Yes its really odd, this should not be happen. if you wish you can share your login info. or create a staging site and send me login info, I will check it and let you know the issue. my email is [email protected]


its happening due to SEO plugin


Its ll working fine, I can change page title from anspress options:

And how add “question title” in html title?