reputation becomes negative?

4.90K viewsGeneral

Hi Rahul,

is it normal that a user’s reputation become negative value?

so for testing, i created some questions and answers myself.

then deleted questions after, strange enough, my reputation becomes -14. does it make sense?

Look like a bug. I will fix it.


Although trying to remove reputation user got from questions is a good thing (this happened to me, can’t say for sure it removed proper values, but something was removed indeed), more things should be removed together with question. For example empty reputation lines are left behind.

Other than that, negative reputation is ok. Users can get rep, users can lose rep.

Thanks for letting us know. Issue added to task list.

deducting points from user when answer/question deleted make sense, but having negative total reputation, hmm not that much. say you add a new question +5 pts, delete the same question should be -5, i guess? so the sum should be 0. but now, even in the reputation history page, the events and total pooints do not match.

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