Pushover integration

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I suggest to add an integration with pushover notifications. I customized my functions.php and now I receive “live” all new questions in my android device. It is a killer feature.


Hi, can you share your customization. Thanks.



it is really simple. I installed the plugin “Pushover notifications for wordpress”. I configured it for receive notifications in my mobile when a user creates new post.

Then, I add this code to functions.php:

add_filter(  'ckpn_post_publish_types', 'ck_my_pushover_cpts', 10, 1 );
function ck_my_pushover_cpts( $allowed ) {
	$allowed[] = 'answer';
	$allowed[] = 'question';

	return $allowed;

With it, I’ll get notifications for all new answer and questions. But It would be fantastic that all users (not only me) could get notifications when their questions are replied.

Thanks 🙂

thanks a lot for sharing it.. and +1 for the quick reply.. 🙂

@Angel is it a free plugin ? is their services are free ? if yeas I will integrate it to core anspress.

Hi @Rahul, Pushover is an app that have to been purchased in (Google Play / App Store) by users who receives notifications (3 or 4 dollars).

For sender, there is a freemium plan that lets send 7000 notifications free. I don’t know prices for more, but I don’t need more than 7000. So, with 4 dollars I can stay updated of my forum. Notification is received instantly.

I don’t know if there is other alternatives (cheaper or free). More info, here (sorry about spam) https://pushover.net/

@Angel, OK I will give it a try