Push notifications
Pre purchase question :
Lovely work, I have followed your work since 2014, I knew I was going to need your script one day.
Is there a plug and play push notifications you can recommend for askbug? If none, can you help configure onesignal WordPress plug in to send push notifications when new questions are posted , when answers are posted.
I will like to implement a “how to ” section.( I just noticed question mark is not there by default so I guess I can easily name a category for tutorials)
update: 2018
is the push notifications integrations available now?
I also like the documentation / resources on this site, does it come with the plugin?
Thank you for your interest in AnsPress.
Yes, there are lots of push notification plugins available in wp.org but none of them will work with AnsPress notifications. I am working on integrating OneSignal API in AnsPress. A beta version may come out this month.
Yes, you can simply create a category for organizing your howtos.

Thanks , I will buy now and update it when the onesignal api is implemented. I also like the documentation / resources on this site, does it come with the plugin?
perfect. Hopefully it will be deployed?this quarter?