Problem with registered codes | Q&A SCHEMA CHODE
We are your customers and looking to create a Q&A structure to better display content on Google as a Schema.
The problem is that you have created code called Q&A, but it does not work.
The content of our question and answer is not related to SCHEMA.
I will send a link to see if this code does not work and Eskima Q&A has been useless.
<div id="ap-single" class="ap-q clearfix" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="ap-question-lr ap-row" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="mainEntity"> <meta itemprop="@id" content="<?php the_ID(); ?>" /> <!-- This is for structured data, do not delete. --> <meta itemprop="name" content="<?php the_title(); ?>" /> <!-- This is for structured data, do not delete. --> <div class="ap-q-left <?php echo ( is_active_sidebar( 'ap-qsidebar' ) ) ? 'ap-col-8' : 'ap-col-12'; ?>"> <?php
This link contains 1 question and 9 answers.
Question is closed for new answers.
Dan J - AnsPress Support Selected answer as best
This problem was also solved.
Thank you for your efforts. You can see an example of a forum made with anspress ❤
hossein (Buyer) Answered question