Online status of users & suggestions for next release

4.45K viewsGeneral


Anyone can help me out with these things:-

  1. To show up total no of online users, Total registered memebers strength, Total questions ( answered & unanswered) etc. at footer or sidebar as widget ?
  2. Change default text reputation with something else like points or thanks ?


Please consider few suggestions for next release:-

  1. Online status of user at discuss page.
  2. PM option for anspress profile.
  3. If Running educational or similar forum than fixed position selection under profile page ex. Teacher, Student, Final year student, etc. so user cannot write his own crap & only can select from predefined positions  & same is visible below profile picture with online status.
  4. Sub category selection while posting question.
  5. Showing up questions as grouped threads under different category.


Presents errors & problems with anspress:-

1. comments are not showing up properly (i have 2812665 Comments)

2. “More action” option at question edit page use to keeps blinking when we try to click on it & not working with many themes.




Tq rahul & anspress team for awesome plugin (:



  1. There are lots of plugin exists to show online users.
  2. Also there are lots of plugin for PM.
  3. Wrong comment count is already fixed.
commented on answer

Can you suggest few plugins to these functionality work fine with anspress.

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