“Not responding” after submition or updating a profile
Hi @rahularyan
like “Problems with Anspress version 2.3.3 and 2.3.4“, “Not responding” is happen after submition or updating a profile in 2.3.5.
please check it.
As I remember we have not done any big change in user profile in this updates. There may be some other issue.

morteza commented
Rahul, the issue continues 🙁
Rahul Aryan commented
Just fixed, get new version 2.3.8

morteza commented
Thanks, on wordpress or on github?
I’m not notified again for this comment…

morteza commented
Need to refresh after submission.
Hi Rahul
After many problems that I had, I have installed a new WP and only with AnsPress & AnswerBox.
This problem have existed in 2.3.3 & 2.3.4.