New questions from the frontend are not saved

6.19K viewsCoreAnspress questionNotSaving

Hi !

When I write a new question from the frontend, it seems that it is not saved in the database. I tried with the following users : AnsPress Participant / AnssPress Moderator / WordPress Administrator and none of this user is able to save a question.

When I clic the “Post Question” button, I get the loading image but nothing happen (no redirection, no error message).

The fields are not validated either. For example, I can submit a question without filling the “title” field


Am I missing something in the options or somewhere ?? Seems to work fine for a lot of people though…

Would love to use this pluggin !!


Form is not submitting cause it may have failed validation.. but error message should have shown below fields..

Give me link to investigate or tell me whats there in console after submission.

The website is still in development, so still on localhost…
I get from the console : “Error: Missing required parameters in RecaptchaOptions: sitekey”
But I think it comes from my authentification plugin

Go to anspress option -> moderate and enter reCaptcha key. thats it 😀

Alright I feel bad now…
Works perfectly fine now thanks a lot ! Very good job on the plugin and on the support, you answer quickly and you’re on point ! Thank you !!