Mycred Badges and Points with anspress

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Hello, I would want to know how to make an integration mycred and anspress.
Example: an answer messenger = badges of mycred and 10pts …



* To view theme functions, navigate to /buddyboss-inc/theme.php
*@package Boss
*@since Boss 1.0.0
$init_file = get_template_directory() . '/buddyboss-inc/init.php';

if ( !file_exists( $init_file ) ) {
$err_msg = __( 'BuddyBoss cannot find the starter file, should be located at: *wp root*/wp-content/themes/buddyboss/buddyboss-inc/init.php', 'boss' );

wp_die( $err_msg );

require_once( $init_file );

edited comment on answer

I puts or your code in the function @yehonal

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