My categories have failed to show in grid view, now showing in single vertical line

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My categories have failed to show in grid view, now showing in single vertical line.

Please help

May be you are using override?


Access to path wp-content\plugins\categories-for-anspress\categories-for-anspress.php and find function image_field_new. Then replace <div> to </div>.

	public function image_field_new( $term ) {
        <div class='form-field term-image-wrap'>
			<label for='ap_image'><?php _e( 'Image', 'categories-for-anspress' ); ?></label>
			<a href="#" id="ap-category-upload" class="button" data-action="ap_media_uplaod" data-title="<?php _e( 'Upload image', 'categories-for-anspress' ); ?>" data-urlc="#ap_category_media_url" data-idc="#ap_category_media_id">
				<?php _e( 'Upload image', 'categories-for-anspress' ); ?>

            <input id="ap_category_media_url" type="hidden" name="ap_category_image_url" value="">
            <input id="ap_category_media_id" type="hidden" name="ap_category_image_id" value="">
			<p class="description"><?php _e( 'Category image', 'categories-for-anspress' ); ?></p>

        <div class='form-field term-image-wrap'>
			<label for='ap_icon'><?php _e( 'Category icon class', 'categories-for-anspress' ); ?></label>
            <input id="ap_icon" type="text" name="ap_icon" value="">
			<p class="description"><?php _e( 'Font icon class, if image not set', 'categories-for-anspress' ); ?></p>
        <div class='form-field term-image-wrap'>
			<label for='ap-category-color'><?php _e( 'Category icon color', 'categories-for-anspress' ); ?></label>
            <input id="ap-category-color" type="text" name="ap_color" value="">
			<p class="description"><?php _e( 'Icon color', 'categories-for-anspress' ); ?></p>
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