Make title not limited to 100 characters, and authorize empty description ?
Hello, for QUESTIONS, is there a way I can make the characters limit higher for the title (like 9999 or no limit) + authorize empty descriptions ?
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Rahul Aryan Selected answer as best
Make title limit higher :
function my_custom_title_field( $form ) { $form['fields']['post_title'] = array( 'max_length' => 999, ); return $form; } add_filter( 'ap_question_form_fields', 'my_custom_title_field' );
Enable empty description :
function my_ap_make_question_description_optional( $form ) { $validate = $form['fields']['post_content']['validate']; //remove required from validation. if ( is_array( $validate ) ) { if ( ( $key = array_search( 'required', $validate ) ) !== false ) { unset( $validate[ $key ] ); } } else { $validate = str_replace( 'required', '', $validate ); } // Update existing value. $form['fields']['post_content']['validate'] = $validate; return $form; } add_filter( 'ap_question_form_fields', 'my_ap_make_question_description_optional' );
plzcome bck Posted new comment
plzcome bck commented
how to add this code and where?? help me
Found this in the FAQ :
Baptiste Legrand Answered question