Lost where to access all questions in the admin

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Since there’s only new question and all answers.


Hello Stacy, I did not understood, can you be more specific? Thanks

There’s no admin menu for a LIST of all questions. Where to find the list of all questions in the admin?
Admin> anspress > new question , Admin > anspress > all answers…

Ok the ‘all questions’ and ‘all answers’ don’t show any that are published since the plugin was reinstalled I think, even though they are on the front end. Even those newly created on the front end. Only questions created in admin show in admin’s ‘all questions’. And those created in admin do not show on the front ..

Making a separate questions for this since i found that All questions would list all questions if it worked properly.

‘all questions’ is gone again. Only ‘new questions’ show.

Not sure we can follow this. You mean that options “come and go” ? I don’t understand. Is that a live stable WP site ?

In 2017, just updated idk how many changelogs. This is still a issue. Using the manual link says “access denied”. /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=question

Its look like AnsPress got disabled. Please check plugins and enable it again.


The admin only has a “new question” and “all answers” tab most of the time. Rarely I see the “all questions” tab show and I’m not sure what causes it and I think when that occurs, the “new question” tab is not there.

But this is the url for all questions in admin


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