Issue with inserting questions programmatically

8.19K viewsIssuesAnspress issue


I tried to insert question programmatically, like you mentioned in your FAQ. In fact, I used almost the same sample code you provided (except that I changed Tag Id and names).

Unfortunately it threw me an error.

Link to my sample gist –


I have already downloaded the latest one from master branch (and confirmed that manual mode etc are there).


Similarly I tried to post answer, it threw me error – “the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)”‘

Link to Gist file –

Answer is getting posted with –

$post_id = wp_insert_post($values);

but not with Hook.

I tried to look for where am I making mistake for hours now, but I am unable to figure it out.


Edit 1

After the fixed pushed by @Rahul, questions are getting inserted programmatically, as described. However still there are some issues, such as –

  1. Tags are not getting inserted (I tried to find out if it’s with me only or it’s an issue with the script, but I couldn’t), while question and category is inserted correctly
  2. Question metas and activity didn’t get inserted when using sample code provided in FAQ –>I think it’s because of $qameta was never used. I found these working if I use the functions “ap_insert_qameta” and “ap_update_post_activity_meta” on $qameta, however I am not sure if I am using the correct method.
  3. When trying similar method to insert Answer, it didn’t insert post_parent and answer got orphan. While reading the source code for Answer form and related submit function, I observed that here post_parent  is passed under the variable named $question_id , so I tried to pass it like this, but still it failed. var_dump revealed that while passing the value for $question_id it’s storing them in array, first is boolean and in 2nd one it’s strong the parent_post id, which is never used. While if we use the same function on default answer form (when answering the question from GUI), $question_id stores the parent post id. How? I couldn’t understand it.
  4. Even if submitting answer programmatically started working, it will also need some metas and activity update for answer as well to complete the all steps.
  5. I think in complete source section of the FAQ line 15 you forgot to put ; therefore it’s not working at all (out of the box)





I noticed a similar issue with 4.1.5 yesterday. Upgraded to it (as you do..), and found I couldn’t post anything anymore, so had to roll back.

commented on answer

Its fixed. I am adding a unit test case so that this should not happen anymore.

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