Is it possible to use Font Awesome Icons for Categories?

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Hi, i can see that it is possible to use class icons.
Any chance Font Awesome icon codes can be used?
There are so many cool icons to use.


Thank you.



I tried to include Terence’s code in the header and it didnt work. So I went on , subscribed and got a new script line per email that I included in the header of my askbug-child theme.

Then I went in the category options of Anspress and I tried different classes:

  • f0a1 => nothing shown
  • fa-bullhorn => square shown as if it was applied but the icon is not found
  • fa fa-bullhorn => working PROPERLY! 🙂

I guess this answer might help very newbies



This does not work at all , add it class “fa fa-iconname” but the result does not give at all

Is FA included in head?

Also do not work I’ve put png icons instead


Anyone wanting to use FontAwesome might find this page useful ~

If you click on the icon it will copy the class and FontAwesome icon ~ or serveral other icon families ~ ready for you to paste in your categories, for example.


I think you forgot to mention, first you need to add…

<span class="nt"><link</span> <span class="na">rel=</span><span class="s">"stylesheet"</span> <span class="na">href=</span><span class="s">""</span><span class="nt">></span>

…to your site’s header.

I tried but couldn’t get it to work with AskBug until I did so.

You know, you can add more icons in AnsPress inbuilt icons. Simply visit and import AnsPress icon JSON from fonts folder to icomoon.

Thanks. I have 141 AP categories so far, and counting, and to try and get them looking right I need a very large pool to chose from. I found out mixing the native icons with FA for example produces category boxes of all different sizes, so I am fixed on FA for the moment.


Yes you can, simply use their icon class.

Great! Though I tried to use it and no luck so far.
Here is a screenshot:

First icon is your icon class

Second and third are Font Awesome:


Am i right to put “fa-users” and “fa-user-md” in icon class fields?

I think you forgot to mention, first add to your sites header. I could get to work with AskBug until I did so.

Please explain exactly what you mean by “use their icon class”

I mean after including fontawesome in header you can user their icon class “fa fa-iconname”.

Yup,I thought that’s what you meant. Thanks for the for the confirmation.