Is it possible to have all Anspress fuctionality on single page?

4.44K viewsGeneralask-slug base slug url URL structure

I’m setting up a membership site and would like to grant access to the Q&A section of my site to paying members.  The way this would be setup is that I would have one page with Anspress on it and people would pay for access to that page.
The issue at the moment is that Anspress questions, answers, and other pages are all on seperate pages with separate slugs.  Is it possible to have all Anspress functions all on one single page?
So for example if someone clicks “Ask Question” I would like that person to stay on the same base URL without going to another page that I would have to protect with my membership plugin.

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You cannot achieve it like that. The simplest way would be overriding all AnsPress templates and do a membership check at the top of template. And if user do not have membership then simply show a message instead of template.

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