Is it possible that when you press enter to validate the tags, it reacts like you’re trying to send the form?
In the last version of the tag extension in github, when you press enter to validate the tag, the page try to send out the entire form.
There also is no help hover mouse for this field.
UPDATE 27/09/2014: now when you press ENTER, it do not try to send the form but the tags do not appear:
I tried with this version:
I will check in all browser soon, until then you can use comma button.

A fix has been pushed to GitHub repo

Working like a charm! Thank you Rahul.
When tag field is focused and enter key is pressed then form submission is disabled. It was tested with FireFox and its working fine, I will test with other browser soon.

I just tryed with firefox and did have the same issue. Could come from the theme? or… maybe captcha as the message i get is: Please check captcha field and resubmit it again.

Hi Rahul, I tried the last version on github with chrome and firefox. Now it did not try to send the form but… the tags do not appear after you hit enter, only the boxwhere they are supposed to appear. Nevertheless, the tags are perfectly taken in account and showed up on the next pages when you send the form. I attach a pict to the question. Thanks 😉

Rahul Aryan – 11 mins ago
A fix has been pushed to GitHub repo
camaro4d – 1 min agoEditDelete
Working like a charm! Thank you Rahul.
Which version of tag are you using? GitHub master branch?