How to filter category in ask form

Solved3.26K viewsThemescategory

This is my category level.

 - Child1
 - Child2
 - Child3
 - Child4

I want to only Child3 and Child4 category in ask form.
How can I do it.

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Answered question

Here I have created a sample code for you. You can pass custom arguments for terms query through terms_args

 * Override AnsPress form category field selection list.
 * @param mixed $form 
 * @return mixed 
function anspress_override_category_field( $form ){
    $form['fields']['category'] = array(
        'label'    => __( 'Category', 'anspress-question-answer' ),
        'desc'     => __( 'Select a topic that best fits your question.', 'anspress-question-answer' ),
        'type'     => 'select',
        'options'  => 'terms',
        'order'    => 2,
        'validate' => 'required,not_zero',
        'terms_args' => array(
     return $form;
add_action( 'ap_question_form_fields', 'anspress_override_category_field', 99999 );

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Wow, Thanks.

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