How to edit orange Ask bottun?

5.53K viewsThemes

I’m happy to be using AnsPress and your Askbug theme.

Kindly please could you let me know how and where can I edit Ask bottun on right top?


Please open header.php and find

<a href="<?php ap_link_to('ask'); ?>" class="btn btn-header-ask"><?php _e('Ask', 'ab'); ?></a>

and delete this line and save.

commented on answer

Thanks so much!!!!!!



You can edit footer notice in footer.php of theme or you can hide it from:
appearance -> customize -> askbug options -> hide footer

edited comment on answer

In askbug options, I could not find menu of hide footer…
I can find below tree check box.
 Hide copyright in footer
 Hide background color on home
 Hide home welcome for logged in users
Do I see other page?

Sorry, my fault. its: Hide copyright in footer

No plolem at all.
Do I need to edit header.php?
I have never edit php so kindly please let me know how to erase this orange bottun?