How to change default cover image of AnsPress ?

9.15K viewsCore

How to edit this default? thanks very much man.


create a new folder called anspress in your active theme directory, now create another directory called images.

Now download this two images:

Big default cover

Small default cover

And place it in newly created folder. Now edit this images from Photoshop and you are done.

BTW: You can also download default cover in PSD format : download cover PSD

I did this and was able to upload a new default cover; however for some reason the red Anspress one flickers briefly first when the page first loads. I thought I replaced it completely. Why is it still there?

@Clarissa_Wu , Like! you’re right…

This may be due to browser cache

I don’t think so. Just cleared my cache completely and it’s still there.

It is strange… any other ideas?

If you have replaced both file then they should never appear, please check file name and extension.

@Rahul Aryan
I had same problem and not found any way to solve it, so I replaceed in base.

@morteza what do you mean by “I replaceed in base”? is there a workaround? please let me know!

@Clarissa_Wu πŸ™‚
means replaced in plugin not in child theme! πŸ˜‰

I am adding option for overriding cover.

Thanks Rahul… πŸ™‚


download cover PSDΒ is giving me 404 error please do check.


Does anybody else have this issue? or is it just me πŸ™

Show me your directory screenshot with path