How to allow people register to the forum rather than a website?

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I would like to use your plugin on my website as a forum. However, I cannot seem to find an option to allow people to register/login to the forum only without registering for the access of my wordpress website. After registering people seem to have an access to the wordpress dashboard. I just want people to be able to register only to the forum just like on your website. Is there a way to do this somehow?

I’d really appreciate your assistance with this,

Many thanks,



If you are using the AskBug theme, there is no need to use the “WP Admin No Show” plugin because the redirection is all built into “Theme My Login”, which is a recommended part of the AnsPress/AskBug install.

Does it hide top wordpress admin bar as well?

It can …
Enable Custom E-mail
Enable Custom Passwords
Enable Custom Redirection
Enable Custom User Links
Enable reCAPTCHA
Enable Security
Enable Themed Profiles
Enable User Moderation
Makes an excellent cup of tea
But it can’t hide top WordPress admin bar, as far as I know.


Hi, V.

WordPress stores all users in one place. So every registered “forum participant” is actually a user in your wordpress.

But that doesn’t mean he must have access to your wordpress backend.

  1. go to wordpress options and set default registered user role to “anspress participants”.
  2. install this plugin.
  4. I also recommend spend additional time but installing WordPress Social Login for 1click registration and auth. This is not required.

This is how I do it, look at the results:

What do you mean by “WordPress options”? And is that single or multisite?

@Dima ~ I have a rather strange thing going on here. I watched Matt Bodell register two users and I just registered a third myself.

None of them appear as subscribers in the WordPress database.

And all of them get “You don’t have permission to ask question.” if they try and ask a question.

But you can login using their credentials, no problem.

Very strange.

I just found the missing users when I checked Network | Admin | Users ~ they are in the database but they are not assigned to the site.

Amazingly, I just learned ….

The most important concept to keep in mind when thinking about multisite’s handling of users is that all users are members of the network, not a particular site. In fact, in a plain install, the default behavior is for any site’s register / sign-up form to redirect to the primary site, enforcing this idea of joining the network.

When the user completes the registration process, they are “network subscribers” and have no actual role on any site, not even a default role. To be given a specific role in a specific site, they need to be added to that site. Then, and only then, do they appear in the user list for that site (as well as being in the network list).

Out-of-the-box, new and existing users can be added to a site, one at a time, via each site’s dashboard.

Hmm, and I thought AnsPress was doing that for me.

Anspress does nothing for you. It’s just a few classes that describe “post type question” and “post type answer” with some meta logic.

I have never used multisite. As far as I understand, it’s not as mainstream, as usual wordpress. Why make your own life harder?

Because making love standing up an a hammock is more fun 😉

Hi there!

Thanks a lot for your help, Dima’s instructions worked just great!

Btw, is there a way to customize the email message or the name of the sender (I mean the email which gets sent to the user after registering to the site)? At the moment it come’s from ‘WordPress’, but I’d like to customize this if possible.

Also, I can’t seem to find a way of adding an option for the user to login. At the moment users can login only when they click on a button “Ask Question”. Is there a way to add an option for people to login/register to the navigation menu?

Many thanks,

P.S Regarding ‘Ask Question’ button. Is it possible to make the button text change for the users who are not logged in to something like ”Sign in/Register”?

Thanks so much for your help!

“Btw, is there a way to customize the email message or the name of the sender”

Don’t know about customizing email body.

Changing texts could easily be achieved with some simple programming (I will not provide a solution here),

As for login buttons/links, anonymous users also get incentive to login at the bottom of every question, that should be enough.

If you want more, you can write custom logic, or use one of many menu login plugins, like (never used it in production)