How is the ask question page displayed?

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Is there a function that brings up each page? For example the ask question page or the questions list page. I see that there is a register_common_pages function where you can register the page and that this function runs on the “init” action hook, but when do you actually call and load ask.php??


You probably mean this

	public function register_common_pages() {
		ap_register_page( 'base', __( 'Questions', 'ap' ), array( $this, 'base_page' ) );
		ap_register_page( ap_opt( 'question_page_slug' ), __( 'Question', 'ap' ), array( $this, 'question_page' ), false );
		ap_register_page( ap_opt( 'ask_page_slug' ), __( 'Ask', 'ap' ), array( $this, 'ask_page' ) );
		ap_register_page( 'edit', __( 'Edit', 'ap' ), array( $this, 'edit_page' ), false );
		ap_register_page( 'search', __( 'Search', 'ap' ), array( $this, 'search_page' ), false );
		ap_register_page( 'activity', __( 'Activity feed', 'ap' ), array( $this, 'activity_page' ) );

The ask_page() method executes/outputs actual ask.php.


How/when is it called? Right below the source of ap_register_page (it’s only purpose is fill the $pages field) there is

 * Output current AnsPress page.
 * @since 2.0.0-beta
function ap_page() {
	$pages = anspress()->pages;
	$current_page = ap_current_page();

	if ( is_question() ) {
		$current_page = ap_opt( 'question_page_slug' );
	} elseif ( '' == $current_page && ! is_question() && '' == get_query_var( 'question_name' ) ) {
		$current_page = 'base';

	if ( isset( $pages[ $current_page ]['func'] ) ) {
		call_user_func( $pages[ $current_page ]['func'] );
	} else {
		global $wp_query;
		status_header( 404 );
		include ap_get_theme_location( 'not-found.php' );

How does it get the $current_page slug?

get_query_var( ‘ap_page’ ); in ap_current_page()
$new_rules[$slug. ‘ask/([^/]+)/?’] = ‘index.php?page_id=’.$base_page_id.’&ap_page=ask&parent=’.$wp_rewrite->preg_index( 1 ); in rewrites()

(on a first glance it looks like it shouldn’t work with changed “ask page” slug, as it’s hardcoded in rewrites, but that’s none of my business currently ^^)


And ap_page() is called in anspress_sc(), which is //Control the output of [anspress] shortcode

add_shortcode( ‘anspress’, array( AnsPress_BasePage_Shortcode::get_instance(), ‘anspress_sc’ ) );

The Ctrl+F’s.

Ugh sorry @DimaStefantsov…I’m new to web dev and I’m trying to learn by modifying an existing plugin

Was my explanation understandable, or is there anything else that needs clarification maybe?

Yea, I guess I’m still a little confused as to the purpose of ap_page(). For the ask question page, it seems to set $current_page to “base”, but why is that important? To me, the rookie, it looks all that would be needed is ask_page() to include the hugely necessary ask.php, so why is this other function needed?

@DimaStefantsov not sure if I need to include your name in the comment or not, but doing so just in case.

Because of this

Currently, everything is a base page. The code needs a way to somehow know what should be displayed on that base page.

@DimaStefantsov Ah ok. So if I wanted to add a page to Anspress, what would I need to do? I’ve designed the page to use an iFrame, and now I just need it to be displayed after submitting a question. so far, I’ve added my own ap_register_page() and placed it in register_common_pages(), which runs on the ‘init’ hook. However, I don’t quite understand where to go from here. I like what the author did with process_form() where depending on what $action is it calls the correct function. I’m hoping it’s the same case with which page to display.

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