How add new Answer meta that also support Sort by filter

4.33K viewsGeneralNew answer meta

I want to add some new answer meta namely – Remarks & Marks with sort by filter ability ,this meta is access by only admin and for this a new dotted button as dropdown manu is placed at right side of answer footer .
Remarks – it has some fixed option like Best , better , Good and Need improvement all of this are sorted in two level first by Remarks level and second one is time .
Marks – it is number like 1,2 ,2.5 ,3 ,3.5 etc with Sort by filter
i am not a developer please help regarding this how i add this features
see image ……..

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This is an extended support question. Please contact me by email [email protected]

Thank you so much sir for quick response . I recently mailed to you

Sorry for delay. As this are both extended questions and will require heavy modifications of AnsPress. I will suggest hiring a WordPress developer to implement this functionality.