Font type and sizes of Anspress to follow the Theme’s defaults

4.46K viewsThemes

While Anspress works extremely well with my theme (100% responsive theme and Anspress), the font sizes and type is completely different.

How easy or hard is to make Anspress to use the default fonts and sizes ?




Its very simple. Simply add override.css and add rule for:

    font-family: YOUR_FONTS;
    font-size: 15px;
    // And more...
commented on answer

where should we put that css codes?

@Justin in Anspress theme css folder as overrides.css


Ok, i have managed to sync the font family of Anspress with the theme’s types.

What i fail to do is to set the same SIZE in the Question (and Answers) page body. I’m not into css,  so please anyone who knows … please help.


edited answer