Failed to initialize plugin Error showing…
Installed AnsPress and I really like the plugin. thank you!
Have a bit of an issue:
When asking a question in the front page: I am getting the error: “Failed to initialize plugin: mtsurlshortener” (see below.)
This happens with registered user and non registered users.
WordPress Current Configuration:
Version: 5.6.1 / Charset: UTF-8
Name: NewsOnline by MyThemeShop
Version: 1.2.8
== Relevant Plugin: ==
URL Shortener Pro by MyThemeShop: 1.0.13;
Any help would be appreciated!
Clearly seems this error is happening due to the plugin URL Shortener Pro, please disable that plugin or consult with its developer to get more info.
Funny – I asked them the same thing (before posting here) and they replied to disable yours and check with you, as I am not getting the issue anywhere else.
Not sure what to do…