Error with widget User, Questions…

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Hi sir,

The first, I would like to say that I love Anspress plugin so much.

Now I’m building a site use this plugin as main page.

But happened a error very funny. I used 2 widgets “User” and “Questions” at sidebar. In normal, these widget is displayed well, but when the question or answer is posted over 1 page, it will happen error. It mean when we access page 2,3,4,… of a topic, 2 these widgets will have error (no display items in widget), access page 1 is no problem.

Sorry for my bad English, hope you understand me. Please kindly help me. Thanks a lot.


I will check the issue. Can you provide me PHP error log for this widget?

Dear Aryan, How about the solution? I really need you help to fix this bug.

No anyone care? I believe it’s a bug. Please check it soon.
Beside, still have some other bugs:
1. First time change avatar is not smooth (need to select many time or refresh page to show new avatar).
2. Close question but still can post answer,
3. Page Activity Feed have bug, can’t show next page.

Sorry but I think plugin need be improved more than.

Yes I got, that is a bug and this will be fix soon, please give us some time. Thanks for reporting.

2. Close question but still can post answer,
— This is already fixed, pushed code to Github. You have to wait for stable version to use this in production site.

Many thanks Aryan, I hope your team can fix it soon. After that, I will show you more bugs…


Sorry, I can’t find out PHP error log. I attached the picture of error:

At page 1 or index:

At from page 2 (no items inside):


commented on answer

User widget fixed.

Cool! Thanks for your hard working.