error into source code

5.36K viewsIssueserror

I see on every page of a error in the source code.

<script type=”text/javascript“>var ajaxurl = “”,ap_nonce = “11ff4d0f90”,apTemplateUrl = “”;apQuestionID = “”;aplang = {“loading”:”Bezig met laden..”,”sending”:”Verzoek aan het versturen”,”file_size_error”:”File size is bigger than 0.48 MB”,”attached_max”:”Je hebt al het maximale aantal toegestane bijlagen toegevoegd”,”commented”:”gereageerd”,”comment”:”Reageer”,”cancel”:”Annuleren”,”update”:”Update”,”your_comment”:”Schrijf je reactie…”,”notifications”:”Notificaties”,”mark_all_seen”:”Markeer alles als gezien”,”search”:”Zoek”,”no_permission_comments”:”Sorry, je hebt geen toestemming om reacties te lezen.”};disable_q_suggestion = “1”;</script>

Hello Rik, Please show me the error message.

You can check this on my site and then the source code.

I don’t see any error message in my browser console when visiting your question section.

and if you check the homepage ?


What are you trying to show here?
Those are JS objects which is used in templates.

Yes i no only there is a error in your script that is what you can see. I see anspress……. error ………..