Email notifications – line breaks

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I don’t seem to be able to add line breaks in the body box of Anspress email notifications… I tried with <br> and they disappear on saving.


@rahul        Did you see this thread?


Hey guys, I still have the problem with that one, did somebody solve the line breaks issue? Pushing a translated text in the PO file doesn’t seem to work…


Ok, another strange finding around this is the fact that the default mail content is actually in the POT file…


Hi, funny you have this problem. I just realized the same thing… <br> don’t work or even a simple enter on the edit box are not considered. But that seems such an obvious issue that I am surprised it has not been detected before….

commented on answer

I just saw on another thread that Rahul answered partly to the question:

Topic: Modifying Email HTML Content
For HTML email, you have to edit this line: email-header. Replace text/plain to text/html. And then you can add html to your email message.

This is fine but next time we’ll update the plugin this will change back, a selector (plain text/Html) on the options would solve that… no?