Email notification when flagged answer / question / comment

4.89K viewsIssues


Not sure if I’m doing something wrong or not, but I don’t receive any email notification when a content is flagged. As an admin that may be the #1 case when I would like to receive a notification πŸ™‚

Also is there a system that sends an email notification to the author of a question when there is a new answer to his question ? Again, pretty mandatory in my opinion, I guess the feature is somewhere but I couldn’t find where to activate itΒ  πŸ™‚

edited comment

From your Questions i’m pretty sure you have spam posts/comments. And this can’t be solved by Anspress but from your WordPress security plugins. No matter how many emails are sent out about everything.

Also your WP may be attracting somehow spammers. Check it.


1. The Author of the Question GETS an email when a NEW Answer is posted. The Admin also.

2. The Author of the Question doesn’t get any email when a new comment is posted. Admin also.

3. Flagged posts don’t send out any notifications to anyone but are show in the admin or Anspress dashboard.

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