Email notification extension is here

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“AnsPress Email” is an extension for AnsPress. This extension notify site admin and users about activities by email. Site admin can configure for what they wish to receive notification. Email message and subject can be easily configured from AnsPress option panel. Currently this extension send email in simple text.

** List of activities for which notification are sent: **

  1. New question (only admin)
  2. New answer (admin and subscribers)
  3. New comment (subscribers, as by default WordPress notify admin about new comments)
  4. Best Answer (Selected answer author)
  5. Edit Question (only admin)
  6. Edit Answer (only admin)
  7. Delete question (only admin)
  8. Delete answer (only admin)

This extension notify both admin and community


Hello Rahul,

Thank you for notifying the community about this new AnsPress extension.

Question: when will a notification extension be released that notifies actual users?

It is very important that individual users, not only site administrators, have the option to get notified whenever activity occurs on their questions, answers, and profiles.

Email notifications for users is the feature that will keep people coming back.

Thank you,
