displaying-recent-questions php code not working

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Hi Rahul,

I used the php code you gave here, http://anspress.io/questions/question/displaying-recent-questions/

added to my theme index.jsp page, but it throws error

Fatal error: Call to a member function have_posts() on a non-object in D:\xampp\htdocs\test\wp-content\plugins\anspress-question-answer\includes\question-loop.php on line 182

i am using latest version of wordpress, theme is from https://roots.io/sage/


could you please let me know what might be wrong? thanks


—– edit —


ap_get_questions(array('showposts' => 5));
<?php if ( ap_have_questions() ) : ?>
  <div class="ap-questions">
      /* Start the Loop */
      while ( ap_questions() ) : ap_the_question();
<?php ap_questions_the_pagination(); ?>
  else : 

Show me your code

Hi Rahul, i have added the code, that all my index.jsp file has. maybe their theme is doing something when its hooking up index.jsp?

hmm, it doesnt seem like a theme issue. i used the default wordpress theme twentyfifteen, added that code to index.jsp, and got the same error


Try this:


thanks for the code. no error this time. however, it always show No question asked yet!, be the first to ask a question. even when i already posted some questions. it seems like the query doesnt pickup any questions

hmm, this time no error but no content is displayed. but i checked the markup, div is generated. so i guess something wrong with the while loop so no content get generated.

okay i got it working by doing the following instead of using your while loop. but not sure if thats ideal
foreach ( $questions->posts as $post ) :
echo $post->post_title;

if working then use it 🙂 Cheers.