Display category question?
Did you ever get this resolved Benoit_Didier? I’m trying to filter the same thing using REST endpoints but there are no documentation whatsoever.

Loc_Pham commented
I’m not sure what’s going on, but when I embedded your shortcode inside a page, it lists ALL categories.
yes its already exists, read the doc.
Benoit_Didier commented
I can’t find the answer. Can you link me the document plz? (I can’t find it on the link on the top of the page)
Benoit_Didier commented
Ok I guess it’s [anspress question_category="category_slug"]
Rahul Aryan commented
You have to pass category id instead of slug 🙂
Benoit_Didier commented
I might be stupid but [anspress question_category="1"] or even the category slug doesnt work for me!
Rahul Aryan commented
Just use category instead of question_category.
[anspress question_category="category_slug"]