Cant add image to question/answer

Solved5.63K viewsCoreproblem with plugin reporting

There is a button to add images missing for users who dont have the permission to access the media library”:


This features has been added, get latest version from GitHub.

commented on answer

Its not included in the latest version from github (latest commit was 2 days ago…)

“Image upload” is to available in question (only answer):
Image upload does not work:

Yes for new question upload is not possible yet, but will be added soon.

Hey Rahul, any movement on this feature? It would be super helpful if folks can add a screen shot or some other image when asking a question. Just as a way to give more details on the question.

Hello Tim,
Yes its possible since version 2.x

Hi Rahul, what I was looking for was how to allow ap_participants to add media.
I can’t seem to get the ‘add media’ button to show up in the description box. This is all I see.

Thanks for the work on this by the way, really nice job!

Hello Tim,
Which version of AnsPress you are using?

I’m running version 3.0.7

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