Before I buy – Is Askbug theme updated?
before I buy it…. is the Askbug Theme updated with the latest Anspress? Also, is there an option to simply and quickly install copy of demo? I wouldn’t like to spent days to try to figure out how to achieve the demo-like site.
Thanks a lot

Mike commented
Perfect, let me know when it’s done.
Also, as I asked… is there an option to simply and quickly install copy of your demo?
Thanks a lot

Mike commented
Still waiting…
Also, is there any Demo of Anspress with Buddypress?
+ the registration page in demo looks broken.
Hi@Rahul ,
could you tell me what is happing with the latest version. I thought it should be released in 1.June
Rahul Aryan commented on answer

Mike commented
Hi @Rahul,
any news?

Madalin (Buyer) commented
News ? Apparently, the dev has slowed down. A lot.
Rahul Aryan commented
Version 3.0 of AnsPress is out and new version of AskBug relased.
Please wait for few days. Its not updated for 3.0