Ask icon and profile icon are touching when display in computer screen. After Askbug version 1.8

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Ask icon and profile icon are touching when display in computer screen.

See image bellow:

Please hard refresh to make sure its not browser cache. Also you can verify if this is happening on demo site or not.

Hello @rahularyan, It is the same problem with demo AskBug. I think it has nothing to do with the upgrade to Askbug 1.8.
The origen of the problem is how the limited space of the navigation menus are handled. When you shrink the width of the page or the primary menu get larger than the Askbug demo, the display of the demo does not look nice.
My proposal to solved is as follow:
If there is enough space put Log image, Primary menu, Top right (log in) and (non log in) menus, and “ASK” icon, in the same line.
If there is not enough space fit all, then move Primary Menu to a line beneath. So in one line will appear “Log, Top right (log in) and (non log in) menus, and “ASK” icon” and in a lower line the Primary Menu.
When the with shrink to tablet/mobile size it will behave as now.
¿What do you think?