Anspress session problem
When I ask a question, the question is added WP_Query always.
I found that Anspress save session value in DB like this.
_transient_anspress_session_7fbd42fedffbc2060fbc73515890cf59 : a:2:{s:13:”form_question”;N;s:9:”questions”;a:1:{i:0;i:1402;}}
How can I turn off this feature?
—— edit
I found that
if ( false === $manual ) { anspress()->session->set_question( $post_id ); ap_ajax_json( array( 'success' => true, 'snackbar' => [ 'message' => $message, ], 'redirect' => get_permalink( $post_id ), 'post_id' => $post_id, ) ); } return $post_id;
this code in class-form-hooks.php/submit_question_form()
But, I want to delete the post_id in session(Data Base)!
Would you please make a hook for this?
Check please!
Rahul Aryan Answered question
This cannot be turned off as AnsPress uses this session to validate upload and posts for users. But this get removed once user successfully posts an answer or question. If you want to delete question ids from session then simply run below code anywhere:
anspress()->session->delete( 'questions' );
Rahul Aryan Answered question