AnsPress content not loaded on forum/categories/category page

5.17K viewsCorebug


AnsPress content is not loaded on /forum/categories/category page.

It loads fine on /forum/categories.

Both use index.php as the template.

Any ideas?


Which theme?

There are 2 or 3 similar issues posted earlier but it seems like this is a theme specific issue. Can you send theme to my support email so that I can test it on our localhost. [email protected]


Hello Butler,

As I suspected, this theme is missing many required templates. Also it is overriding all WP template system. Why reinvent the wheel? WordPress has the best template system and this theme is trying to override all.

Apart for this there are many errors and warnings in this theme.

I will suggest you to choose a different theme or you can ask developer about fixing this issue. Lemme know if they have any question regarding category page template.


commented on answer

Thanks Rahul,

I agree the theme is no good, but unfortunately that’s what I’m stuck working with.

Which are the missing templates that your plugin is looking for?

Perhaps I can try adding them and forcing the theme to use for these taxonomies?