AnsPress 4.1.8 is READY for release!!!

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Hello Everyone,

AnsPress 4.1.8 is ready for release. Please give it a try on on your development site and let us know your feedback. It can be downloaded from GitHub [zip].

This time it took more time to release AnsPress. I wasn’t able to work due to my personal problems. Thanks for your understanding.

This version will be published to on 17th April, if no critical bug discovered by that time.

Thanks you, happy coding.

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Kuddos Rahul!
Gonna try it on my staging site. 😀

Thanks Fred.


i use last version from github. i don’t know why, but users can’t edit their answers.
I think it happens after was fixed a bug with editing questions.

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@Rahul Aryan if you need, i can give you admin and user account on my website to demonstrate the error

Just tried it on demo and localhost and working as expected.

can i restore anspress setting to default?

Yes you can. add this code to functions.php and remove it again once you have refreshed the page.

delete_option( ‘anspress_opt’ );
delete_option( ‘anspress_reputation_events’ );
delete_option( ‘anspress_addons’ );

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