a critical error on my website

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I have a critical error on my website in the tag page and default search results page. Please help me to fix the issue.
As I realize the theme that you are showing as a demo and the theme I have downloaded are not the same. There are some differences in the UI.

My tags page
Your tag page is different.
My question, answer and comment submission interface is different than Yours.

I think your themes are backdated, there still an option for adding Google+ link as a social media.

Google+ shout down in april 2019, more than three years ago.
Why things should be like this? Please update the theme and plugin and help me to fix the issue.

Answered question

I have sent you email one week ago, but I didn’t heard anything from you yet. I wonder did you have time to give me a feedback? I also post the error logs here https://anspress.net/questions/question/need-help-to-fix-a-bugs/

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