Dynamic Latex Preview
Thank you for answering my previous question about adding Latex capabilities in questions.
There is only one more feature I would like to make anspress perfect for me. I would like a “dynamic preview” of the latex entered into the text editor.
This “dynamic preview” is a feature for users writing questions (and answers) on the Q&A sites mathoverflow.net and math.stackexchange.com. I’m trying to mimic these sites for my classroom.
Here is what I mean, currently when a user enters a question in anspress with latex they’ll see
What I want is the text to be captured and echoed onto the screen, something like what’s in the next image:
Now, it doesn’t have to be in that position, just as long as the user can see it when they are typing would be perfect.
Previously I had been using wpmu’s Q&A (https://github.com/wpmudev/qa) which is no longer being worked on. The “dynamic preview” was accomplished by entering
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'omega_theme_setup' ); function add_qa_script(){ ?> <script> jQuery(function ($) { if (typeof(tinyMCE) != "undefined") { tinymce.on('SetupEditor', function (editor) { if (editor.id === 'answer') { // Could use new 'input' event instead. $("<div id='live-type' style='margin:20px 0px'></div>").insertAfter("#edit-answer"); editor.on('change keyup paste', function (event) { $("#live-type").html(this.getContent()); MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset",MathJax.Hub,"live-type"]); }); } if (editor.id === 'question_content') { $("<div id='live-type' style='margin:20px 0px'></div>").insertAfter("#ask-question"); editor.on('change keyup paste', function (event) { $("#live-type").html(this.getContent()); MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset",MathJax.Hub,"live-type"]); }); } }); } }); </script> <?php } add_action( 'wp_footer', 'add_qa_script', 100 );
into the themes functions.php file.
Is there an easy way to accomplish the same thing with anspress? Thank you very much.
Please send your site credentials to [email protected], I will try and add the proper code.